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Council welcomes €5.9 million allocation for Active Travel in Clare

1 April 2021

Clare County Council has welcomed the recent announcement by the National Transport Authority (NTA) of an allocation of €5.986 million to Clare County Council to advance the 2021 Active Travel programme for Clare.

The Clare County Council Transportation Department has been engaging in recent months with the NTA, the funding authority for this programme, in formulating a portfolio of projects across all Municipal Districts in Clare. The Active Travel fund is part of the overall Sustainable Transport Measures Grant (STMG) Programme, a multi-annual, urban focused fund managed by the NTA.

In welcoming the announcement, the Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr Mary Howard, said: “Clare County Council welcomes this significant investment in the walking and cycling transport network in towns and villages across County Clare. Some towns and village centres can be difficult to navigate due to narrow footpaths and this investment will make it easier for people of all ages to move around and enjoy their local environment.”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council, said: “This investment will be a major step forward in encouraging people to switch to more active modes of transport which will promote a healthy lifestyle and contribute towards our climate change objectives. I am delighted that the application put forward by the Transportation Team in Clare County Council, in conjunction with the four Municipal Districts, has received approval to proceed.”

Carmel Kirby, Director of Physical Development, Clare County Council, said: “Provision of high-quality footpaths and cycleways enhances the activity and liveliness of urban areas by enabling people to connect with their town or village. It is important that residents and visitors of all ages can shop, access schools, workplaces, and recreation amenities safely and smoothly along well-built footpaths and cycling infrastructure.”

John Leahy, Senior Engineer, Clare County Council, also welcomed the programme, advising that the Active Travel programme is year 1 of a multi-annual active travel programme and that the projects funded by the current announcement are those that can be delivered or advanced in 2021. For projects that could not be delivered in 2021, the NTA has given approval for some projects to either proceed to the next stage of design or await the outcome of strategies currently being prepared, including the mobility plans that are funded under this programme. This will lead to a further programme of projects.

A full list of projects to be funded under this allocation, including those in County Clare, can be found here.

Page last reviewed: 01/04/21

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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